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Friendships, Facades, Fakery: I’M OUT! 🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️


Lol I love a good listen 🤭😂 Just listen jor!

Have GOOD friends in this life. I do and this has changed the trajectory of my life. My support system. MY PEOPLEEEEEEEEE!

I love youuuuuu

Now for the witches and wizards that disguise themselves as friends. Be careful!

CHANGE your ways!🧏🏾‍♀️🧏🏾‍♀️🧏🏾‍♀️🧏🏾‍♀️


Nah but honestly if you feel personally attacked just hold your lips and face the corner! 🙇🏾‍♀️

Sorry I give myself too much jokes lol

No one really speaks on what it feels like to be the victim of friendship disrespect and fakery, especially in friend groups.

Yep I’m going there.

You’ll have the utmost respect for someone, value them even, and you’ll find out they were talking behind your back. Lol.

There was this one girl I THOUGHT I was friends and cool with but wow I had no idea the extent to which her talking behind my back went. Trying to tarnish my character for her personal validation and I’m sure to feel better about herself.

Because why do people talk down on others? To feel better about themselves! Isn’t it?

Lol let’s be reallyyyy real here.

The pertinence of this in friendship groups is ridiculous! I’ve heard one too many stories and ME personally, I mind MY business but if I hear what I hear then that’s that! I’m always shocked because what for why?

What bothers me further is that other friends will stand by and not say anything, then what do we really have here, is that something you can call friendship?

I’ll stand up for wrongdoing every time I really don’t care.

I hate mean people, I can and will fight for mines too so don’t try me (with prayer lol I’m a changed woman by the grace of God - joking but not joking yfm?)

God answers my prayers so do with that what you will accordingly 🥰🤷🏾‍♀️

It’s shocking to me because every friend I’ve had I’ve always tried to included them or make them feel good and welcome wherever I am, but you can never guarantee people will reciprocate that!

This reminds me of that thread I saw the other day on Twitter of men hating their girlfriends for one reason or the other and it’s a phase or something, that all of a sudden they start to hate their girlfriends. And unfortunately this had led to, in some extreme cases death!

How about you communicate and let your person know that something is bothering you, or you want to break up or you don’t want to be their friend it’s just that simple!

Many of you may know that horrific story of Naomi Oni who threw acid in her friends face out of hatred some years ago, it left me shook! People can actually kill and a hating heart knows no bounds!

TW: (Violence&GBH) of that treacherous story below! 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾

I also feel many people only care when it happens to them.

Like be fr are you a friend or a foe? (10 marks)

Answer: People want to feel included in especially in those kind of cliques, they don’t want to shake the tables for the fact that they may be ostracised too. 🤷🏾‍♀️

Where’s the empathy people?!

I’m veryyy discerning now to listen to niggling feeling at the back of my mind or what I feel in the spirit about how someone feels about me. They may not SAY but their energy is usually quite clear!

People need to be honest, if you don’t like somebody say and be REAL clear so we know what what and where to go from there.

What hides in darkness will always come to light! x1000

I knew what I felt was right and come sometime later, (as it always happens) I find out the things I felt are true.


If you do have those good people in your life! Cleave to them, pour into them as they pour into you. Focus on those true real friends that love you at every stage that don’t seek to tear you down for one agenda or the other!

What does the Bible say about friendship?

1 Thessalonians 5:11

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

Proverbs 18:24

“One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer that a brother.”

Job 42:10

After Job had prayed for his friends, the LORD restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before.”

The Bible is clear on friendship, have good people in your life! It's enriching, it builds you up and adds value to your life!

Hold onto the TRUE friends and never let them go! Those people will lift you out of those murky waters and waste spaces and will support you in those moments of feeling left out, excluded and disrespected with other friends.

All in all as you find these people, your life will improve for the better. Statistically having no friends as in being completely friendless and serious loneliness can be as bad as smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day, and you’re more likely to die early so don’t die before your time when you can have lots of friends and be happy and find that supportive and loving community of people loooool. :)

This life I have seen shegeee but what I can say? It does make good for stories to tell ey! 😉🤣

Anywayyyys 😂😂

Lots of Love

-Lero 💕x

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